1. Fill in the survey answers.Most are straightforward such as Name and Address. We want to understand what service your business provides or performs and when your business operates. Please be as detailed as possible. Examples of potential entries follow:
Number of Units in Building Occupied by This Company: If the company occupies a stand-alone building, which is not divided into suites, choose “Stand alone building completely occupied by this company”, otherwise indicate the number of units occupied by your company
Operating Hours per Day: Enter the hours as a whole number such as 8 or 12 or 24 – not the specific times of day that you operate. If there is a manufacturing operation on site, please list the hours per day that the manufacturing takes place rather than when the business is open.
Examples of Service Performed or Product Produced:
• If you are a retail outlet or wholesale distributor, tell us specifically what you retail or wholesale such as frozen pizzas or door hardware.
• If your service is warehousing, identify what you warehouse.
• If you perform metal finishing, describe the processes that you perform such as stamping, milling, machining, phosphating, painting, etc.
• If you manufacture rocking chairs, describe as: ‘We take dry, untreated lumber and cut, turn and paint the pieces prior to assembling the chair and completing final finish.’
Raw Materials: The metal finishing firm raw materials could be described as steel, cutting oil, phosphating chemicals, water and powder paints while the rocking chair manufacturer could describe raw materials as lumber, glue, paint and lacquer.
Wastewater Discharged: Process Wastewater is any liquid waste that is created in the production of your product, which is not domestic waste (bathroom waste). Example: The response for the metal finisher could include rinse water from phosphating operation, cleaning mixing tanks, floor wash-down (continuous or batch), etc. A printing company may have waste from washing ink rollers.
Treated Discharge: Treatment of process wastewater discharge could include pH adjustment, filtering, mixing, chemical additions or any other type of treatment or change to the discharge before it enters the sewer system.
Liquids in drums or tanks: Choose the appropriate response. Drums are typically 55 gallons. Your business may have liquid storage totes or bulk storage tanks. Outside storage (i.e. rail cars, tanker trucks) that may impact the sanitary or storm sewer should be included.
Phosphorus containing materials: If your facility uses any materials which include, but not limited to, cleaning products, raw materials or chemicals in a process which contain phosphorus or phosphate in the ingredients, then check “yes”. If you are not sure, please check yes and we will contact you.
Ink Use/ Ink Waste: Change the response on the button to “yes,” if appropriate. Toner cartridges that are dry and used for printing in an office setting are not considered to be ink.
Precondition Water: If you utilize a water softener or reverse osmosis unit to treat the incoming water supply prior to using it on site or in your process, then check “yes” and specify what method.
Location: Use the map and searching features to show the location of the building where your firm is located. This will be linked to our internal maps so that we can see that your firm has completed the survey.
2. Click on “Submit Survey” button at the bottom of the screen.
3. If the survey was completed according to preset specifications, a “Thank you for your contribution!” prompt will appear. If required information was left out of the survey or the survey detects an input error, an error message will appear directing you to correct the entries that do not meet the preset specifications.
4. If you choose to complete the paper form of the survey, please follow the data entry instructions listed above, complete the entire survey, and mail the survey to:
Bloomington-Normal Water Reclamation District
Attn: Joy Hall P.O. Box 3307 Bloomington, IL 61701
Questions? Contact Lisa Lucht at 815-444-3305 or Joy Hall at 309-827-4396
BNWRD Survey Blank Form no online entry